Kidney Transplant Management (Videos Available)

Wednesday July 04, 2018 from 17:15 to 18:45

Room: N-101

585.8 The impact of direct antiviral therapy for hepatitis C (DAA) on acute rejection and donor specific antibody formation in kidney transplant recipients, evidence from surveillance biopsies (Video Available)

Ziad Zaky, United States

Assitant professor
Nephrology and Hypertension
Cleveland Clinic


The Impact of Direct Antiviral Therapy for Hepatitis C (DAA) on Acute Rejection and Donor Specific Antibody Formation in Kidney Transplant Recipients, Evidence from Surveillance Biopsies

Ziad Zaky1, Leal Herlitz1, Joshua Augustine1.

1Nephrology And Hypertension , Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland , OH, United States

Background: Hepatitis C virus infection (HCV) has historically portended a poor outcome after kidney transplantation. With the recent advent of direct antiviral agents (DAA), there has been a high rate of successful HCV eradication after transplantation. However, data on immunologic injury to the allograft after therapy are lacking.
Methods: We studied 20 HCV+ kidney transplant patients (KT) who underwent DAA treatment with median follow up of 26 mos (range 11-117). We collected data on demographics, DAA regimen, CNI levels, allograft function, donor specific antibodies (DSA), and surveillance &/or for cause allograft biopsies findings.
Results: Mean age±SD was 61.9±6.1yo, (18M/2F), 75% were non-Caucasian, all were infected with genotype 1, the DAA regimen was ledipasvir/sofosbuvir (n=19), sofosbuvir and simeprevir (n=1), and 95% achieved sustained virological response. There was no statistical difference between the mean serum creatinine (Cr) and proteinuria (P/Cr ratio) pre DAA treatment and at the last follow up (Cr 1.39 &1.42 mg/dl, p=0.58, P/Cr 0.74-0.91, p=0.64). 11 KT had biopsy proven rejection (pre DAA n=6, post DAA n=5). Mean follow up time from DAA start to last follow up was 21.7 mo±10.1. Of notice all Antibody mediated rejections (AMR) were in the post DAA (table). There was a downtrend in mean Tacrolimus levels (n=18) during DAA with statistical significant difference 2 weeks prior to DAA start and week 12 of DAA treatment (-3.22, p=0.0042) (Figure).

Conclusion: There is a significant decline in mean CNI levels during DAA therapy in KT.In addition, despite relatively stable allograft function in terms of serum creatinine and proteinuria, there is a significant incidence of clinical and subclinical rejection 5/20 (25%) especially AMR 4/5 (80%) detected by protocol and for-cause biopsies.This study highlights the need for close monitoring of immunosuppression, as well as immunologic and histologic surveillance during DAA administration for HCV.

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